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Advisers drawn to social media sites

More than 1000 Financial Planning Association (FPA) members have joined a forum the association has set up on the social media site LinkedIn.

The forum is growing by an average of 40 a week. It allows members to discuss and debate issues they feel are important.

The FPA is also using Twitter to keep members informed.

CEO Mark Rantall says using social media has enabled the association to keep the membership informed while enabling them to engage “in their own way”.

“Communicating with our members is especially crucial in the current climate with so much industry reform and business change taking place,” he says.  

“In the past few months, we’ve fully utilised all of the traditional and new media channels available to us to keep members up to date.”

The FPA has used the forum to gauge members’ views on issues such as submissions to government on legislation and policy.

Mr Rantall says the FPA intends to expand its social media presence despite research showing only one in 10 financial advisers use Twitter.

“In the coming weeks, the FPA will look to build on its social media strategy by including online forums on its website,” he said. “The online forums will facilitate discussion about the [Australian Securities and Investments Commission] Shadow Shopper report.

“The FPA will also be launching a new online knowledge hub and practical tool kits in the next month to deliver further value to its members.”