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Zurich writes down US exposures

Zurich Financial Services Group has announced a series of writedowns based on its exposure to failed US financial firms.

The Swiss-based international insurer will book a $US275 million ($352 million) write-down due to the collapse of Sigma Finance Corporation.

Zurich will also book a $US45 million ($58 million) charge on Washington Mutual, the US bank taken over last month by JP Morgan Chase.

Zurich had earlier revealed it had booked a $295 million ($378 million) exposure to failed US financial firm Lehman Brothers.

Chief Investment Officer Martin Senn says the company’s “disciplined approach continues to put us in a good position to weather the current financial market crisis”.

He says the latest write-downs comprise only 0.3% of a total portfolio valued at nearly $US200 billion ($256 billion).

The write-downs will form part of an impairment charge to be taken in the year’s nine-month results which are due to be released on November 13.