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US underinsurance causes concern

Only 14% of Americans have a flood insurance policy, and only 20% have taken steps to secure their homes against a natural disaster, according to a consumer survey by the US Insurance Information Institute (III).

III says people living in hurricane-prone areas of the US may be lapsing into complacency as a result of last year’s light hurricane season. It found only 48% of people in the southern states think homes are likely to be damaged by a hurricane – 7% down on last year.

“With the hurricane season now beginning to enter its busiest period, many people may have been lulled into a sense of complacency by last year’s mild season and may not have taken measures to better prepare themselves,” III spokesman Jeanne Salvatore said.

The survey also revealed 46% of people would pay more for a home built to withstand a natural disaster, and 50% said they have an inventory of their possessions from which to document losses in case of a disaster.