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UN agrees disaster risk reduction plan

A 15-year international framework for disaster risk reduction has been signed by 187 United Nations member states.

The agreement was made at last week’s UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan, following 30 hours of negotiations.

Australia, which was represented by Justice Minister Michael Keenan, was a signatory, as was New Zealand.

The framework commits to seven targets including reducing deaths and economic losses caused by natural catastrophes.

Margareta Wahlström, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Disaster Risk Reduction and Head of the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, says the framework “opens a major new chapter” in sustainable development.

“It outlines clear targets and priorities for action that will lead to a substantial reduction of disaster risk and losses in lives, livelihoods and health.”

More than 6500 people, including 2800 government representatives, attended the conference. The public forum had 143,000 visitors over five days.