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UK brokers turn on Axa

We saw it in Australia when AAMI’s direct commercial operation undermined the role of brokers, and now Axa in the UK has fallen into the same trap.

The Institute of Insurance Brokers (IIB) says Axa has mailed material to a wide commercial audience that says choosing the right level of cover isn’t always easy, and going through a broker can take time.

“So we have a team of insurance experts, ready to advise you,” the material said.

However, IIB Director Barry Fehler says brokers are often held up by insurers like Axa because of poor service standards.

IIB Director-General Andrew Paddick says Axa is biting the hand that feeds it.

“In this particular instance Axa seems to have totally disregarded where the majority of its commercial business comes from. This will not be helpful to its relationships with professional brokers. I bet the Axa field force is hopping mad.”

Mr Paddick says Axa’s UK telephone sales staff are almost certainly not commercial insurance experts.

“I will be doing a bit of mystery shopping over the coming weeks and will publish the results of my technical insurance conversations with these people.”