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Saomai hits China

Insurers in China are bracing for a flurry of property claims as the south-east coast of China cleans up after its strongest typhoon in more than 50 years. However, chronic underinsurance will make their task easier.

Typhoon Saomai lashed coastal towns in Fujian province, with reports saying 441 people were killed. Saomoi made landfall on August 10. Winds of more than 200kmh destroyed at least 1000 homes, sank 952 ships and fishing boats and damaged 1594 others.

It was the eighth typhoon to strike China this year.

Insurers are still assessing the damage, but it is already clear that the local population is severely underinsured or not insured at all. Individual residents had few policies in place, and the commercial sector was also caught short.

The event has heightened calls for a state-backed disaster insurance system in China.