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Risk services help Gallagher along

Major global broker Arthur J Gallagher has achieved $US421.2 million ($548.6 million) in revenue for the three months to the end of September to record pre-tax earnings of $US60.8 million ($79.2 million).

That was down slightly on the $US65.6 million ($85.4 million) for the corresponding period last year.

The company’s financial services division was mostly to blame. It recorded a $US17.8 million ($23.2 million) loss over the quarter, compared with a much tamer $US4.3 million ($5.6 million) loss last year.

Total brokerage earnings were up 12% to $US60 million ($78.2 million), and the risk management portfolio earned $US18.6 million ($24.2 million) – up from $US16.5 million ($21.5 million) in the third quarter last year.

CEO – and new Chairman – J Patrick Gallagher says the company has had a solid three months.

“Our combined brokerage and risk management segments posted a 24% increase in pre-tax earnings. Every day our global network of professionals focus on delivering excellent and high-quality service to our clients.”