PR challenge for insurers
The spin-doctors are moving in on the global insurance industry, seeing an important sector in need of some expensive advice. First up: get post-September 11 claims right.
The New York Times suggested that some insurers have realised that there is an opportunity to combat the public’s negative perceptions through sympathetic advertising. But the best way to combat the image problem is by paying claims quickly with little fuss to the insured.
The debate over whether the attacks on the World Trade Centre count for one act or more is one of the many issues that needs to be dealt with sensitively, along with the question of whether the attack was an act of war or of terrorism. Many people question why the industry cannot be more flexible in its approach to these issues.
The newspaper said a major question for the industry is how insurers should deal with a disaster of similar proportions. Such a prospect – thought impossible prior to the US attacks – is more likely with recent developments.
Meanwhile, New York’s Insurance Department has announced that it will assign insurers, law enforcement agencies and fraud and consumer service bureaus to work together to ensure swift and accurate payments to the insured.