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Munich Re flags ‘satisfactory’ first quarter

27 April 2009

Munich Re has flagged a “satisfactory” result for the first quarter of 2009, saying its consistent risk management approach is paying off amid the global financial crisis...

Chubb first quarter profit down 49%

27 April 2009

US insurance giant Chubb has recorded a 49% decrease in first-quarter net profit after poor investment results adversely affected generally sound underwriting...

Lloyd’s opens in Brazil

27 April 2009

Lloyd’s has opened an office in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a year after receiving approval to become the first foreign reinsurer in the country...

Lift your game, UK brokers tell insurers

27 April 2009

A UK Institute of Insurance Brokers survey has found major UK insurers have plenty of room for improvement – at least as far as brokers are concerned...

British insurance fraud hits record levels

20 April 2009

Economic hardship always leads to insurance fraud, but the Association of British Insurers says fraud in the UK has already reached record levels with 2000 cases being exposed every week...

Berkshire Hathaway downgraded by Moody’s

20 April 2009

Moody’s Investors Service has downgraded its rating for Berkshire Hathaway flagship reinsurer National Indemnity Company from Aaa to Aa1 and dropped the issuer default rating...

Normal Atlantic hurricane season forecast

20 April 2009

This year’s Atlantic hurricane season should feature a normal level of storm activity, according to Colorado State University’s Tropical Meteorology Project...

US moves closer to single insurance regulator

06 April 2009

US politicians have introduced legislation to create federal regulation of insurance, pledging to improve the current system where more than 50 state-based regulators run the industry...

Third broking group in UK flourishes

06 April 2009

The new London & International Insurance Brokers’ Association claims it now represents 98% of the London-based international broker sector...

AIG completes sale of two insurance units

06 April 2009

AIG has finalised the discount sale of an American specialty insurer and a Canadian life insurance unit as the beleaguered insurer continues to divest non-core assets...