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Judge sides with Greenberg in AIG case

07 September 2009

The frosty relationship between AIG and its former CEO Maurice “Hank” Greenberg could be set to thaw, with the two parties launching binding arbitration procedures to settle various legal disputes…

UK claims complaints on the rise

07 September 2009

UK regulator the Financial Services Authority has released fresh statistics that show complaints about general insurance products have more than doubled in the space of two years…

Reserve releases mask true UK motor loss

07 September 2009

The £493 million ($960 million) underwriting loss reported for last year by the UK private motor insurance industry is more like £1 billion ($1.95 billion), a new report from consultants…

Ecclesiastical turns loss around

07 September 2009

The British owner of Australia’s Ansvar Insurance turned loss into profit in the first half of this year…

Reinsurer wants national risk officers

07 September 2009

Global reinsurer Swiss Re has urged governments to appoint “national risk officers” to help close the gap between economic and insured losses when disaster strikes…

Capital flows back to reinsurers

31 August 2009

Some reinsurers have regained half or more of the capital they lost last year in the financial crisis and through windstorms, thanks to gains in underwriting and calmer investment markets…

US insurers reduce investment risk

31 August 2009

Interest rates and inflation pose the biggest long-term risk for US property and casualty insurers, according to reports by two ratings agencies…

AIG income plummets 27%

24 August 2009

The world's largest insurer, AIG, has reported net income of $US3.09 billion ($3.32 billion) for the third quarter, a 27% decrease on the corresponding period last year…

Brokers boost claims amounts

24 August 2009

New British research shows 87% of brokers regularly negotiate an increase of up to 20% on claim payment offers made by insurers…

AIG appoints $7 million man

24 August 2009

Rescued insurance giant AIG will pay new CEO Robert Benmosche a package worth $US7 million ($8.46 million) a year…

Canada braces for Hurricane Bill

24 August 2009

As the eye of a weakened Hurricane Bill nears Canada's east coast, residents are battening down in preparation for damaging winds, pounding seas and heavy rain - and insurers…

Insurers warned over pricing

20 August 2009

Insurers engaging in price wars are gambling with their future, according to a paper by Liberty International Underwriters that calls into question the industry's financial health…

Further Greenberg legal settlement reported

17 August 2009

Former AIG chief Maurice "Hank" Greenberg and other former executives of the insurance giant have reportedly agreed to settle a lawsuit brought by a group of Ohio pension funds…

Goodwill charge buries Crawford profit

17 August 2009

Global claims management provider Crawford & Company has reported a first-half loss of $US85 million ($102 million), due primarily to heavy goodwill charges…