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Zurich’s Greco leaves to run Generali

12 June 2012

Zurich CEO General Insurance Mario Greco has been recruited to run Italy’s Generali Group after Generali CEO Giovanni Perissinotto’s sudden departure…

Good figures for US commercial lines

12 June 2012

US commercial insurance prices increased by nearly 5% during the first quarter of this year, according to a new pricing survey by actuaries Towers Watson…

US commercial rates up 4%

12 June 2012

The composite rate for US commercial insurance during May was up 4%, according to insurance exchange MarketScout…

May catastrophes take toll on Italy, US

12 June 2012

Total loss estimates from the recent Italy earthquakes now stand at $US6.3 billion ($6.4 billion), and severe weather has affected the US and other areas, according to Aon Benfield’s monthly…

Italy aftershocks hit insured losses further

04 June 2012

Risk modeller Eqecat has more than doubled its estimates on insured losses in northern Italy, following two damaging aftershocks a week after the May 20 earthquake…

Early hurricanes greet start of the season

04 June 2012

The 2012 North Atlantic hurricane season began on Friday, with risk modeller Risk Management Solutions predicting the number of tropical storms will be in line with the long-term average…

CII launches apprenticeships guide

04 June 2012

The UK-based Chartered Insurance Institute has launched a guide to hiring “apprentice employees” in the insurance and financial planning sectors…

Back to basics for US insurance market

04 June 2012

US insurers that remain committed to basic fundamentals and maintain a disciplined approach to underwriting and risk selection are better positioned to succeed, a Standard & Poor’s report says…

UK motor insurers’ losses continue

28 May 2012

The UK motor insurance market’s net combined ratio dropped to 106% last year, which was an improvement from the 120% recorded in 2010…