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Islamic State ‘highlights need for TRIA’

15 September 2014

The rise of Islamic State shows the continued need for a federal terrorism insurance backstop in the US, Insurance Information Institute (III) President Robert Hartwig warns…

Takaful market continues expansion

15 September 2014

The global takaful market is expected to grow by 14% this year and could top $US20 billion ($21.77 billion) in gross contributions by 2017, according to Ernst & Young…

Private sector warms to terrorism coverage

08 September 2014

Private market appetite to cover US terrorism risks has returned, but this does not mean the Federal Government’s backstop is now surplus to requirements…

Climate change could catch out reinsurers: S&P

08 September 2014

Reinsurers may be underestimating catastrophe loss exposures by about 50% if the extreme events of the past decade are the “new normal”, according to Standard & Poor’s…

Low penetration limits Napa quake losses

08 September 2014

Economic losses from the San Francisco Bay area earthquake last month are likely to top $US2 billion ($2.1 billion), Impact Forecasting says…

US P&C heads for rate decline

08 September 2014

The US property and casualty sector is braced for a soft market next year, according to analyst MarketScout…

Napa Valley counts cost of quake

01 September 2014

A magnitude-6.0 earthquake in California’s Napa Valley last month caused extensive damage, with estimates ranging from “at least $US100 million ($106.91 million)” to…

Data gets bigger and better: McKinsey & Co

01 September 2014

The release of third-party public sector data from governments around the world will make Big Data an even greater source of competitive advantage for insurers, a report…

First-half catastrophe losses drop

01 September 2014

Global natural and man-made catastrophe insurance losses totalled $US21 billion ($22.5 billion) in the first half, down from $US25 billion ($26.8 billion) in the corresponding period last year…