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Munich Re hails ‘remarkable’ climate change program

Progress on insuring people in developing countries against climate risks is “the most remarkable” result of the Bonn climate change summit, according to Munich Re natural catastrophe expert Peter Hoeppe.

The InsuResilience Global Partnership, established at the event, is a promising way to effectively and quickly help those most affected by global warming, he says.

“For the first time, climate insurance was a dominant recurring theme of the climate conference.”

The InsuResilience partnership aims to bring the V20 group of countries most vulnerable to climate change and the G20 group of the world’s strongest economies together around one table.

Munich Re is among more than 30 partners from governments, international organisations, academia and the insurance industry that have expressed support.

Mr Hoeppe says conference outcomes were in line with expectations, but too little has been done to prevent emissions, which must fall to avoid the worst consequences and keep risks manageable.

“Instead, they have stagnated at a high level in recent years and are even likely to rise again [this year],” he said. “Efforts to reduce harmful emissions must not be allowed to weaken or subside.”