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IPCC finalises climate change report

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has launched the final version of its comprehensive report on impact, vulnerability and adaptation.

Working Group II’s contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report is the result of years of intensive research by experts across the world.

The report addresses known impacts of climate change and future risks, with the authors concluding current adaptation measures are inadequate.

In Australia there is a long-term trend towards higher surface air and sea temperatures, with fewer cold extremes and more hot extremes, the report says.

Rainfall is expected to decrease in many parts of the country. Tropical cyclones are expected to become more intense and the risk of bushfire will increase in most of southern Australia.

“The report characterises climate change as a challenge in managing and reducing risks, identifying options for low-cost, high-efficacy solutions that simultaneously address climate change adaptation and sustainable development,” IPCC Chairman Rajendra Pachauri said.