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Industry must do more to attract young people, says CII

The industry must do more to encourage young people to consider a career in insurance, says new Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) President Julian James, who has launched his presidential year with a manifesto entitled “The next generation of talent”.

The UK-based institute has several programs aimed at school-leavers, university students and people within the profession who want to improve their skills, and Mr James says these are starting to pay off, with more employers offering work placements.

“However, we still trail many other sectors and professions in engaging with the education system and young people,” he said.

Mr James has called for “a collective effort from across the sector if we are to gain the parity of esteem with other professions that will help aspirant young professionals into insurance”.

The CII’s latest skills survey has found 75% of employers have technical skills shortages and a relatively high number are spending money on providing remedial skills training.

As part of the 100th anniversary of its Royal Charter this year, the CII’s campaign to boost young people’s awareness of the profession includes a target of providing 100 summer placement positions for students and attending 100 university events and career fairs.