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Hurricanes still likely: experts

Weather experts have lowered their predictions for storm activity during the current North American hurricane season. But the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says residents of susceptible areas should remain on guard – at least until the danger period ends on November 30.

NOAA now estimates that 12 to 15 named tropical storms will form during the full six-month season. That compares with the 136 storms predicted in May, but still represents above normal storm activity. Of the formed storms, NOAA now expects seven to nine hurricanes, including three or four major events.

NOAA administrator Conrad Lautenbacher says the total storm activity will be less than earlier predicted, but a relatively easy opening to the season means locals can expect some heavy storms from now on.

“This year’s three named storms may pale in comparison with the record nine storms that formed through early August 2005, but conditions will be favourable for above-normal activity for the rest of this season – so we are not off the hook by any means.”