FM Global provides free global earthquake risk map
FM Global has released a new worldwide map that paints a full picture of the global risk of earthquakes, which it says on average cause nearly $US40 billion ($51.71 billion) in direct economic loss every year.
Most businesses have locations, suppliers or customers in earthquake zones but lack a complete picture of the risk, Senior VP Engineering and Research at FM Global Brion Callori says.
The free online FM Global Worldwide Earthquake Map helps executives improve the resilience of their global supply chains and can be used to plan, site, assess and manage global operations.
“To business leaders, the seismology of an earthquake is less salient than the property damage and business disruption that can result. Our clients’ business resilience is the focus of this map,” Mr Callori says.
FM Global’s map integrates thresholds for structural vulnerability to account for varying building quality and contents around the world, allowing organisations to consistently compare earthquake risk globally.
The new map indicates above-average movement in lower risk zones including Australia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Oregon, Washington state, Spain, Germany, Austria, Hungary and the United Arab Emirates and Canada’s Ottawa-Montreal.
In high risk zones, above-average movement is indicated in China, New Zealand, India, Mexico, California, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, The Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Italy and Israel.
FM Global’s natural hazards map also displays climate risks such as flood and the regional risk posed by hail in the US.
View the FM Global Worldwide Earthquake Map here.