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FM Global produces world flood map

Commercial property insurer FM Global has developed an interactive flood map to help companies determine if their operations are at risk.

The US group’s world map draws on hydrology and hydraulic science, rather than relying on historical data. Other key data such as rainfall, evaporation, terrain and snow melt help determine risk areas.

“Flood is one of the costliest commercial property risks, and it’s only getting worse with climate change, globalisation and urbanisation,” FM Global Senior VP and Manager, Engineering and Research Brion Callori said. “Companies with properties anywhere in the world can now quickly identify the base flood risk for all their facilities on a globally consistent, apples-to-apples basis, at a resolution of just 90 metres by 90 metres.”

Businesses can access the free map by registering online.

A check by revealed large areas of Rockhampton in Queensland and Lismore in NSW – among the places worst hit by rain generated by Cyclone Debbie – rate as high-hazard zones.