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Dutch insurer Achmea cuts 4000 jobs

The Netherlands’ largest general and health insurer has announced 4000 job cuts in a bid to adapt to customers’ online demands and maintain its “long-term financial health”.

Achmea, which recently launched an Australian operation, says the move will “increase customer focus, reduce costs for customers and facilitate investment in its online services”.

Executive Chairman Willem van Duin says the changes mark the start of “a new episode in our group’s history”.

“Our 8 million customers are doing more and more online and also want to be able to arrange their insurance in that way,” he said. “That’s why we’re accelerating our adjustments and we’re investing more in our customer focus and online customer services.”

Achmea employs 19,000 staff in the Netherlands and other countries. The 4000 jobs will be cut over three years, leaving the company “no option but to declare employees redundant”.

The Australian operation serves the agricultural sector, predominantly targeting the clients of partner Rabobank.

CEO Timo van Voorden says the Sydney-based arm will not be affected by the cuts.

“The plans that were announced only affect the Dutch part of the Achmea organisation,” he told