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Broker-insurer ‘stand-off’ keeps US commercial rates low

US commercial insurance rate movements held steady at minus 1% in September as insurers and brokers lock horns, according to analyst MarketScout.

“It seems to be a stand-off,” CEO Richard Kerr said.

“Insurers are determined to force rate increases, while [clients] are pitting agents and brokers against each other so they will squeeze… insurers for the best pricing.

“This forced competition helps buyers get the best deal the market has to offer.”

Inland marine, umbrella/excess and workers’ compensation rates fell 1% in September, while commercial auto rates grew 3%.

Professional liability, employment practices liability and crime each increased 1%, while commercial property, business interruption, business owner policy, general liability, directors’ and officers’ liability, fiduciary and surety were flat.

Small, medium and large accounts were down 1% and “jumbo” account rates dropped 2%.

For personal lines, the composite rate increased 2% in September.