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British insurers assist with road safety

The Association of British Insurers (ABI) has launched a campaign to reduce the number of young drivers killed or seriously injured on UK roads.

While the total number of deaths on UK roads has been falling, the number of fatalities involving young drivers is still rising. 12% (405) of all those killed on Britain’s roads last year were aged 16-19, up from 10% (343) in 2000.

The ABI has evaluated a training scheme for newly qualified drivers set up in 1995 called Pass Plus. Research shows that Pass Plus drivers are less likely to have an accident but more action is still needed.

The ABI is working with road safety groups and motoring organisations on proposals to achieve this. Director-General Stephen Haddrill says the British Government and other organisations must come together to cut the number of young people killed on the roads.

“This is why insurers are developing a coalition for action,” he said. “Our proposals will build on the foundations laid by Pass Plus to help young drivers stay mobile and safe.”