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BIBA calls for intermediaries under one roof

Brokers, managing general agents and aggregators should be brought under the umbrella of an expanded insurance intermediaries’ association, according to the British Insurance Brokers Association (BIBA).

Chairman Andy Homer says if BIBA encompassed all intermediaries, it would be a far more effective vehicle for industry change.

“I think a lot of members will say we are a broker association and I understand that but we need to have a conversation about what a broker, MGA or an aggregator is,” he said.

“But BIBA has got to be the trade body for insurance intermediation of every form.

“Part of my thinking is asking why we don’t have one voice even if we’ve got different sets of interests. If we can crack that and everyone feels they are getting sensible representation for their issues, BIBA will go on and grow and be successful.”

Last month BIBA launched its annual manifesto of its lobbying priorities for 2012. It said it intends to focus on “appropriate, proportionate and cost-effective regulation for members” while working with government, business and insurers.