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AIG listed among systemically important US companies

AIG has been included on a list of systemically important non-bank financial institutions (SIFIs) drawn up by the US Financial Stability Oversight Council.

The designation would bring greater oversight from regulators because of the companies’ importance to the financial system.

Other companies on the US SIFI list include Prudential Financial and GE Capital.

The groups can expect higher capital standards, according to ratings agency Fitch.

“The positive credit aspects of higher capital requirements are expected to be offset by competitive pressures from non-SIFI insurers,” it said.

“Therefore, we note the designations are largely credit-neutral for both AIG and [Prudential].”

Regulators across the world may list their countries’ large insurers as domestically or globally systemically important over the next few years.

They would face tighter controls in a bid to avoid the supervisory gaps that emerged during the global financial crisis, when conglomerates were spread across different regulatory systems. AIG, for example, nearly collapsed as a result of the activities of a financial unit that had no links to the group’s insurance operations.

The companies have 30 days to appeal against the plan.