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FloodMapp’s emergency hub shortlisted for FMA/IAG award

Insurtech FloodMapp and its client Transport for NSW have been jointly named as finalists for the 2023 Project of the Year award by IAG and Floodplain Management Australia (FMA). 

The pair’s Emergency and Crisis Co-ordination Hub was recognised by the judges. Its dashboard incorporates FloodMapp's NowCast and PostCast flood intelligence data products, and major road, railway and bridge critical asset data.  

"It’s inspiring to see Transport for NSW being recognised for their innovative severe weather dashboard and application of operational flood intelligence to improve staff and community safety and event response,” FloodMapp said.  

“The situational awareness FloodMapp provided allowed it to collaborate with all stakeholders with a shared common operating picture. This significantly improved the timeliness and effectiveness of decision making, particularly in ... road closures and impacts on schools.” 

The innovative technology’s event alerting also helped improve staff preparedness.      

FMA is the peak national body for flood risk practitioners in Australia. Its members include over 160 local councils, catchment management authorities, government agencies, businesses, and professionals involved in all aspects of flood risk management. 

Winning the award this year was Brisbane City Council for its Flood Information Online Update. 

Last week FloodMapp was in Washington DC at a Department of Homeland Security Demo Day to detail its work with the US Federal Emergency Management Agency, and earlier this month the Department of the Premier and Cabinet officials attended a presentation at its head office in Brisbane. 

The insurtech’s real-time modelling provides real-time situational intelligence on inundation extent and depth before, during, and after flood events. Products include ForeCast, NowCast and PostCast. 

US emergency management is using its dynamic flood inundation analytics to create a common operational picture for its National Flood Insurance Program. FloodMapp is also working with a coal seam gas provider to improve environmental and safety outcomes of flood events by closing wells if needed ahead of time.