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CFC revamps tech and media company cover

CFC Underwriting has revised its wordings for media company cover to reflect new exposures presented by changes in technology.

CFC says the revamp delivers comprehensive cover for new exposures and removes the need for multiple policies.

CFC’s Head of Tech, Media and IP Michael Brunero says technology has changed how information is shared and consumed, and many new businesses are emerging, from online influencers and vloggers to digital content creators.

“The exposures they face aren’t as clear cut as they were even a decade ago, and yet our industry often continues to provide cover based on policies created over 20 years ago,” Mr Brunero said.

"These companies have a combination of exposures and are in need of one policy that can meet their varied needs.”

CFC says its rejigged products and services liability cover protects from claims of financial loss to bodily injury or property damage arising from provision of software and hardware, advice and manual work such as installation.

It also offers new IP infringement and defamation, comprehensive cyber cover and sub-contractors’ vicarious liability policies.

“We are proud to be at the forefront of changing the way the insurance industry provides cover that works for the digital world,” Mr Brunero said.

“Our new wordings provide simple and sophisticated cover that allows for these businesses’ insurance needs to be seamlessly catered for under one policy that they can understand.”

Headquartered in London with offices in Brisbane, New York, Austin and Brussels, CFC has over 500 staff and customers in 90 countries.