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Webinar tackles tech challenges in motor claims

A free webinar will be held next month to dissect the impact of technology challenges on motor insurance claims.

The Revving Up for Change webinar – a partnership between and repair management expert AAMC – will be held at noon on November 16 and offers an essential guide to staying ahead in a rapidly shifting industry. 

Experts from the claims industry, broking and repair specialists will discuss and break down the challenges to the industry as the tech revolution turns industries upside down – including the motor vehicle insurance sector. 

Claims technology is also being transformed by machine learning and Artificial Intelligence and will increasingly drive future processes.

"It’s not all smooth sailing. These advances are throwing daunting challenges at motor body repair and, subsequently, the insurance industry, with increasing complexity,” AAMC says.

Today, vehicles are laden with technology to enhance safety and convenience, with up to 70 sensors in a “maze of circuits and gizmos”. AAMC experts will decode the impact of this whirlwind evolution of technology and where it’s headed next. 

This increasing technology has brought massive challenges for the motor body repair industry and the industry that pays for most of those repairs: insurance.

Keeping claims efficient and premiums affordable are issues that need to be addressed quickly. The greater the complexity, the higher the cost of the claim, and more needs to be done to improve the claims process for motorists. 

The webinar panel will discuss the following four topics:

  • Growing complexity of motor vehicles: Technology widely introduced to make driving safer and easier can be challenging to repair or replace, with sensors controlling everything from engine functions to blind-spot warnings, and each vehicle likely using different circuitry and componentry. Experts discuss the impact of this rapid change and what to expect in the future.
  • Insurers and claims: The panel will discuss how the advent of emerging technologies like AI and Machine Learning will impact motor claims, and whether the insurance industry is keeping up and has the skills and experience in its systems to make claims more efficient and lower costs. Can the insurers’ present claims systems cope? Are current processes and strategies up to the challenges?
  • Capacity, capability and scalability in the motor body repair industry: This will have to grow and adapt, and the insurance industry has a key interest in seeing this happen. How will repairers achieve the knowledge and skill necessary to stay abreast of motor vehicle changes in technology, motive power and design complexity?
  • Mind the gap: What do brokers think needs to be done to make all claims faster and more efficient? Are brokers’ systems sufficient or are updates required?   

Register for the webinar here.