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Upbeat PSC issues unchanged earnings guidance

PSC Insurance Group says it remains committed to its full-year guidance after a positive trading performance, despite “uncertain times”.

In an update to the Australian Securities Exchange today, PSC says its year-to-date underlying EBITDA performance is in line with goals set at the beginning of the financial year.

“Cash collections throughout the year, including March and the beginning of April, remain consistent with our normal rate of collection,” the group says.

“April revenue at the mid-point of the month continues to track above prior-year performance. May and June are big months for the business both here and in the UK and our expectations remain positive for these months.”

PSC says more clients are turning to premium funding, and it is working to create solutions for those facing difficulties. However, it says the number of clients requiring support is “presently small”.

“Our colleagues within the businesses are working long hours from remote locations and the use of our existing technology has allowed us to serve our clients’ needs and to remain together as a team,” PSC says.

“We remain committed to our guidance for the full year as indicated at our AGM being an underlying EBITDA of over $57 million.”

A further update will be provided next month.