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R U OK? Last chance to complete wellbeing survey

It's R U OK? Day and there's one last chance for readers to complete the Insurance News wellbeing survey.

More than 1100 people have already responded to the survey, which closes at the end of the week, but the more industry professionals that take part, the more valuable the results will be. 

We need your input to help us track how things are in 2023 – how we all feel about our lives, our ambitions, our relationships, our health and our obstacles.  

The survey is completely anonymous – we don’t ask for any personal details beyond basic factual information, how you feel you’re coping and what you think could be done better. 

The information we collect is shared with specialists who can provide guidance in ways to meet issues individuals are experiencing, and with employers so they can understand and plan for better employee engagement and support. We will publish all the collated data in the October issue of Insurance News magazine. 

R U OK? is an Australian public health promotion charity that encourages people to stay connected and help others through difficult times. It is supported by many insurance industry companies.

Click here to take the survey.