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NSW man fined for working while on injury compensation

An injured Sydney man has been convicted and fined for “knowingly defrauding” the NSW workers compensation system as he undertook “double dipping” by working as he received benefits from the state insurance scheme.

Robert Stephen Kovacs, of Blacktown, was last week sentenced to an 18-month Community Correctional Order and ordered to repay $22,676, along with prosecution costs of $9347. The NSW State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) had prosecuted him for obtaining a financial advantage by deception/dishonesty.

Mr Kovacs was injured at work in March 2018 and began receiving workers compensation benefits. He failed to disclose to his insurer that he started work at another employer the following November and continued to accept benefits from his claim until mid 2019.

SIRA CEO Adam Dent says Mr Kovacs knowingly defrauded the NSW workers compensation system, and his prosecution sends a “clear message of deterrence”.

“Wilful acts of fraud where workers double dip can undermine the ability of the workers compensation scheme to provide care and support for genuinely injured workers,” Mr Dent said.

“SIRA has, and will continue to, investigate and prosecute allegations of fraud against the NSW workers compensation scheme.”

Mr Kovacs pleaded guilty and was sentenced at the Downing Centre Local Court. Magistrate Price found it was a serious offence, though noted Mr Kovacs’ remorse and contrition.