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Mark Senkevics departs Swiss Re

Swiss Re’s former Australia and New Zealand operations head Mark Senkevics has departed the reinsurer and is now on the advisory board at insurtech RETJA.

Sydney-based Mr Senkevics was most recently Swiss Re Head of Property and Casualty (P&C) Underwriting APAC before departing earlier this year after 20 years at the insurer. He left on June 30, but was only notified this week.

“Mark has left Swiss Re and Trent Thomson has been appointed CEO Australia & New Zealand since 2022. Andrea Dry is our Head of Client Underwriting ANZ. Both Trent and Andrea are based in Sydney,” a spokeswoman said.

It is understood the changes were part of a global restructure that resulted in the loss of some regional roles.

After five years with Swiss Re in the US, Mr Thomson re-joined the Australia & New Zealand business at the start of 2019 as Head of Property & Casualty Client Markets. He replaced Sharon Ooi in the top local job a year ago as Ms Ooi joined Hannover Re as a member of its Group Executive Board.

Mr Thomson has responsibilities as Branch Manager of Swiss Re Asia, Australia Branch, Swiss Re Life and Health Australia MD, and Country President of Australia and New Zealand.

Ms Dry began at Swiss Re in 2006 as Property Treaty Underwriter. She is on the board of the Insurance Council of New Zealand ,Te Kahui Inihua o Aotearoa.

Darwin-based RETJA analyses insurance policy language, comparing coverage across a variety of insurance carriers to ensure transparency, accuracy and simplicity. Co-founder and CEO Jasmin Flori-Hess formerly spent a decade at UBS. The RETJA Advisory Board is made up of seasoned insurance executives.