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INsight podcast: Senate inquiry turns attention to commissions

The Senate inquiry into the impact of climate risk on insurance premiums has turned its attention to commissions - and the latest episode of the Insurance News podcast considers what senators had to say.

As previously reported, Senator Tony Sheldon told a hearing he considers commissions "a bit of a rort" and quizzed insurers over whether commissions in strata should be cut from 20% to 10%.

This week’s edition of INsight, hosted by Insurance News MD Andrew Silcox, features the observations of editor-in-chief John Deex, deputy editor Wendy Pugh, and senior journalist Bernice Han.

The panel also discusses the latest on covid business interruption cases, insurers' growing aversion to tobacconists, and the reputational impact of "unjustified and unexplained" home premiums.

You can find the latest episode, and previous episodes of INsight, published here.