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INsight podcast: insuring the metaverse

The opportunity to insure the metaverse is one of the main talking points on the latest episode of the Insurance News podcast.

As previously reported, Aon says the rise of the metaverse will generate an insurance market worth more than $US20 billion in gross written premium by 2030.

The metaverse has been described as “the web in 3D”, providing an immersive digital environment for consumers and businesses, and enabling people to interact remotely.

This week’s edition of INsight, hosted by Insurance News MD Andrew Silcox, features the observations of chairman Terry McMullan, managing editor John Deex, deputy editor Wendy Pugh, and senior journalist Bernice Han.

The panel also discusses the latest government action on dangerous lithium batteries, submissions to the Senate inquiry on climate risk and insurance, and our fast-approaching technology conference.

You can find previous episodes of INsight published here.