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Inside the latest edition of Insurance News magazine

The insurance industry has often found itself embroiled in controversy following major catastrophes, but not this time. With around 27,000 claims from the devastating bushfires that began in September now nearing $2 billion, the industry’s response has been swift and effective.

The latest edition of Insurance News magazine tells how insurance specialists across the industry swung into action to provide a co-ordinated program of support and assistance, sometimes even hitching rides with the air force to get to affected communities.

Despite the efforts to be there for customers, underinsurance and taxes on premiums continue to bite. Insurance News examines the causes and effects.

We have also dug deep into the latest JP Morgan and Taylor Fry report on the state of the industry, and found a discarded suggestion that just might have application in cyclone-prone regions.

In other articles, 12 industry leaders share their assessments on the future of insurance in Australia, an expert discusses the industry’s role in sorting out the construction sector’s liability mess, and we feature the latest twists and turns in the insurtech revolution.

With the legalities settled, Sportscover founder Peter Nash explains how the country’s largest sports insurer was protected from a problem that was like “playing Lotto in reverse”, and Insurance News examines QBE’s fresh approach to injured customers.

Interviews, insights from experts and a sharp eye on insurance – you’ll find it all in Insurance News magazine, which has been mailed out to subscribers and is now also available online.