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Industry launches ‘co-ordinated effort’ to attract talent

The Insurance Council of Australia today unveiled its first strategy to attract and retain talent in the industry, supported by a three-month advertising campaign.

It says the six-year Insurance Industry Talent Roadmap is designed to tackle a skills shortage that will intensify as 30% of the current workforce is projected to retire by 2030.

The peak body is also launching the It’s Our Policy advertising campaign in Queensland and NSW, highlighting career opportunities in insurance.

ICA says the campaign features industry employees and their “meaningful work”.

Workers appearing in the ads include a disaster response manager, a bushfire prevention engineer and an AI solutions leader.

“Both initiatives represent a co-ordinated effort by the insurance industry to build a strong, diverse and capable workforce that can meet the challenges of the future,” ICA said.

CEO Andrew Hall says insurance is a cornerstone of the economy, with many different “rewarding” career paths.

“From front-line community assistance to data analysts understanding where AI can transform insurance, there is a wealth of job opportunities in insurance in Australia,” he said. “However, recent research conducted by ICA found that Australians have a limited understanding of the diversity of roles and the exciting career opportunities that exist in our industry. 

“With 30% of the sector set to reach or exceed retirement by 2030, we need to do everything we can to make known the fantastic opportunities to build a rewarding career.”

He says “more work needs to be done”, although many insurers have already started recruitment drives.

“This innovative road map, supported by our first industry recruitment campaign, sets out strategies designed to help all general insurers – large, medium and monoline – attract and retain top talent.”

The 16-page road map includes recommendations for insurer actions and a reference point for data collection, measurement, evaluation and reporting activities over the first year of activity.

It also has a program of short-, medium- and long-term strategies to help attract skilled professionals, encourage past employees to return, and retain a diverse and talented workforce, while promoting the sector’s reputation as a diversity, equity and inclusion leader.

“To meet the challenges of the future, our industry needs to draw on the widest possible talent pool, foster innovative thinking, and respond to the diverse needs and perspectives of our employees and customers,” the road map says.

“Seeking out talented employees means recruiting individuals with diverse experiences and backgrounds who have the potential to contribute to the success and growth of the industry.” 

Click here for the road map and more advertising campaign videos.

From Insurance News magazine: Loss adjusters are confident the human touch will endure in claims, even as technology takes a greater role