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icare acts on performance issues

NSW state insurer icare has outlined progress in improving its performance following State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) recommendations and a customer advocate report.

SIRA last year put forward a 21-point plan after a critical independent review of the Nominal Insurer’s workers’ compensation scheme. Separately, icare appointed a customer advocate to follow up with many people who made submissions.

The insurer today released the advocate’s report, a response, and a status update on SIRA proposals as it launched a website hub that will keep track of how it is addressing the issues.

“Last year we acknowledged the review period coincided with a significant period of transition, which impacted customers on both the premium and claims management services,” CEO John Nagle said.

“We are now focussed on ensuring this is followed by increased stability and further enhancements that improve customer service across the Nominal Insurer.”

The customer advocate’s report, produced by Righthandturn Director Darrin Wright, made 20 recommendations to address complaints made around a lack of premium timeliness and accuracy, claims management issues and client engagement problems.

icare has already moved to increase client choice, after appointing EML in 2017 as the sole agent for new claims. This year Allianz, GIO and QBE have also been appointed as authorised providers for larger businesses.

Now action is underway with EML to better support staff, reduce turnover and lift technical and soft skills, icare says. Issues that have included inaccurate premium notices and debt recovery action for offered discounts are also being addressed.

In response to the SIRA plan, icare says a premium methodology review has been completed through the Joint Pricing and Prudential Oversight Committee.

It is developing an industry-based claims management solution for small-to-medium employers, following on from the large-employer authorised provider model, which will be piloted before any comprehensive rollout.

The insurer says it is working with SIRA on the scope and terms of reference for quarterly compliance and performance claims management audits, which will be undertaken by EY.

icare says it looks forward to consultation on key performance indicators and compliance benchmarks.

“We know our customers want more transparency, so we’ll be reporting quarterly on our progress,” Mr Nagle said. “This is in addition to the ongoing regular claims management reporting now in place on the icare website.”

The documents are available here.