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ICA holds flood forums for regional NSW communities

The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) will host in-person meetings for flood-impacted communities in the central-west NSW towns of Eugowra and Forbes next week.

The meetings will include information sessions for flood-affected customers and allow them to have direct contact with insurance representatives.

Central-west NSW communities have been devastated by flooding in recent weeks, with more than 4280 claims lodged in the region relating to flood damage.

ICA has held similar events in recent months for other flood-affected communities across the east coast, most recently in Brisbane.

“The in-person meetings with insurers provide the opportunity to go through a claim in detail, and experience has shown this has enabled claims to be processed more quickly and for complex matters to be clarified,” ICA CEO Andrew Hall said.

“So often it’s just easier to talk to someone in person which is why the Insurance Council and insurers have been on the ground since these floods in recovery centres, and next week will continue facilitating face-to-face customer engagement.”

Customer meetings and information sessions will be held on December 12 at Eugowra Bowls and Recreation Club and December 13 at Forbes Town Hall.

Attendees are advised to register ahead of the event.

Click here to register to attend the customer meetings.

Click here to register for the information session.