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Flood-inducing La Nina 'nearly over'

The La Nina weather system is “nearing its end”, the Bureau of Meteorology says in an update today.

However, a number of atmospheric indicators remain at La Nina levels, meaning its influence is likely to persist into April. Outlooks indicate a wetter than average month for northern and eastern parts of Australia.

Once this La Nina has passed, it is unlikely to make a comeback, the bureau says.

“While around 40% of past La Nina events have re-strengthened for a second year, there are currently no models suggesting that La Nina will return during winter.”

A La Nina typically increases the chance of above-average rainfall across much of Australia during spring. Above-average summer rainfall is also typical across eastern Australia.

The La Nina of 2010–12, was one of the four strongest on record, and led to devastating flooding across Queensland.

The bureau previously raised concerns that the current event could match the strength of 2010-12.