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Bushfire class action: IAG customers awarded damages

The WA Supreme Court has ruled in favor of 189 residents, including a number of IAG customers, who filed class actions seeking compensation for damages suffered from the 2014 Parkerville bushfire in the Perth Hills.

IAG has welcomed the ruling by Justice Rene Le Miere.

“Our focus has been helping our customers and the community in the recovery action following the Parkerville bushfires,” an IAG spokesman told

“We are pleased with the findings from the Parkerville judgment which support the recovery for our customers’ overall losses, including their uninsured losses, and the recovery of our insurance losses.”

First-named plaintiffs Gary and Sandra Elwood, who lost their home in the fires, were awarded more than $774,000 in damages.

The final compensation to all the plaintiffs could run into the millions when the calculations are completed.

A fallen power pole owned and located on land owned by Noreen Campbell sparked the blazes, which burnt about 392 hectares of bushland, resulting in the destruction of 57 homes and a number of outbuildings. Another six homes were partially damaged.

Justice Le Miere ruled Ms Campbell and Thiess, the subcontractor hired by state-owned Western Power to inspect the pole, were liable 30% and 70% respectively for the plaintiffs’ damages

He dismissed the plaintiffs’ claims against Western Power, one of the three defendants named in the class actions.

“Now that the court has found two of the three defendants are liable, it is imperative that compensation be promptly paid to our clients who are still suffering financial hardship as a result of this catastrophic event,” said Slater and Gordon Practice Group Leader Rory Walsh, who represented some of the plaintiffs.

“We have today sought orders from the court that a mediation be convened to agree on a path forward for all our clients to be compensated in the shortest possible timeframe.”