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Ava makes her debut: Suncorp unveils digital employee

Suncorp has launched what it says is an industry-first virtual employee, making good on the insurer’s promise to step up its use of advanced technologies to improve customer experience.

The insurer says Ava, an artificial intelligence-powered bot, is currently being employed in a pilot trial with some motor insurance customers of its AAMI insurance brand.

Customers will interact directly with Ava via their microphones and cameras while scoping for motor insurance on the AAMI site.

Unlike her more famous peers, Siri and Alexa, Suncorp has designed Ava with a face. She appears online to customers dressed in the AAMI white uniform top and her name tag attached.

Her name was chosen after a shortlist was put through customer testing. Suncorp says Ava - AAMI Virtual Assistant - tested really well.

Suncorp says Ava has also been built to have a digital brain packed with a wealth of insurance knowledge to help customers with their various questions.

She has a personality and emotional intelligence as well to help her learn to read the face and tone of customers and she will adjust accordingly to suit the customers.

“Ava is simply another way for customers to engage with us,” EGM Digital Distribution Katherine Carmody told today.

“We know some people want to interact in the digital channel via chatbot or webchat in their research phase, and some would rather pick up the phone and speak with a person.

“Ava is an example of how we are innovating customer service and user experience to ensure we are giving customers what they want.”

She says the insurer has not set an end date for the pilot yet. The business will take an iterative approach and continually optimise Ava as it learns how customers interact with her and vice versa.

“As we get the data, we’ll understand more about the best application for Ava,” Ms Carmody told

“At this stage, a selection of desktop users are randomly placed in the new experience and have the option to interact with Ava.”

She says it took four months to develop Ava. Suncorp partnered with Soul Machines, a specialist artificial intelligence platform developer, to build her.

Soul Machines Chief Business Officer Greg Cross says Ava’s digital brain has been developed to mirror how a human mind functions.

It is based on extensive research in psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive sciences that allows for emotionally-intelligent and engaging conversations between brands and their customers.

“It brings Ava to life in the same way our own brains bring each and every one of us to life,” he said.