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AUB division chief heads for exit

One of AUB Group’s key divisional heads has left the business to focus on a new digital start-up.

Divisional CEO Risk Services, Sunil Vohra, told he has been working on the new “organisational culture” venture since the middle of last year but now needs to give it his full attention.

Today’s news follows the departure of COO Elyse Henderson, whose position is believed to have been made redundant last month.

Mr Vohra joined AUB in July 2013, initially as COO, before moving to the Divisional CEO role two years later.

He has more than 15 years’ global experience in the financial services and insurance industry, and was previously national operations manager at CGU.

Talking of the new venture, Mr Vohra says there is “a significant opportunity” to bring increased value to organisations in how they assess and report organisational culture.

“The royal commission has in part contributed to increased expectations for boards to be actively assessing culture and reporting to several stakeholder groups.

“Current fragmented solutions do not fully meet this expectation and global scans show our solution isn’t replicated anywhere in the world”.

Ms Henderson joined AUB in January last year. She was previously head of transformation at NAB. AUB declined to comment on her departure.

Last month Mike Emmett took over from Mark Searles as CEO and MD of AUB Group.