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Zurich reorganises for better broker service

Zurich Australia’s general insurance arm is to undergo a major transformation in a bid to increase market share by working more closely with brokers.

The change program, unveiled to staff around Australia last week by new GM General Insurance Shane Doyle, will see about 70 positions made redundant as sales and service functions are centralised in Sydney alongside a new underwriting hub.

Mr Doyle says Zurich will invest in a stronger, more effective local distribution network by increasing Zurich’s “market-facing presence”, including boosting the number of broker managers in every state.

“These initiatives will enable Zurich to rapidly respond to broker needs, including introducing the ability to offer more competitive pricing, delivering better terms and turnaround times on quotations,” he said.

Under the new arrangements broker managers will also have the authority to deal quickly with broker and customer requests.

“The initiatives will mean Zurich will be more hands-on with brokers, with an increased visibility of broker managers meeting face-to-face with brokers,” Mr Doyle said.

“It will mean Zurich will be providing personal service no matter where the broker is or what their need.”

While he expects there will be savings for Zurich in the new arrangement, “saving money isn’t the immediate aim”, Mr Doyle told

“Our focus is on putting people into positions where they are talking to the brokers and offering higher levels of service,” he told “Our emphasis in on being more efficient and effective.”

Opportunities to move into other roles in Zurich will be offered to staff whose positions no longer exist, including at the new sales and service operation, to be called Xpress Centre.

“There will be positions available in the new Sydney operations as well as for the increased number of broker-facing roles in the states,” he said.

Mr Doyle says the initiative is not linked to general insurance cost-cutting plans announced by Group CEO Martin Senn in Zurich last week. [see INTERNATIONAL]

“We’ve been examining the best ways to improve Zurich Australia’s general insurance competitiveness and raise service levels for much of this year,” he said.

In early November the company said it was using its upgraded online platform to cut pricing by as much as 20% as it “focuses on driving business growth and supporting our broker partners on risk appetite, pricing and ease of doing business”.