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WTW calls for First Nations voice referendum

Willis Towers Watson Australia is backing the Uluru Statement from the Heart, which seeks that a First Nations voice to parliament be enshrined in the constitution.

In September, WTW presented at this year’s Dive In festival alongside From the Heart Director Dean Parkin, who spoke about how Australians can help close the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.

“WTW supports the call for a referendum to enable constitutional recognition and we encourage everyone to join in a national conversation on the aspirations within the Uluru Statement from the Heart,” WTW Head of Australasia and Head of Corporate Risk & Broking, Asia Pacific Simon Weaver said.

“We are proud to be part of building momentum that can result in genuine reconciliation.”

Mr Weaver says enshrining Indigenous Australians a constitutionally-guaranteed voice would allow them to determine what works best in their own communities and is a major step for all Australians toward a better future and was “a core reflection of WTW’s beliefs”.

WTW launched its Reconciliation Action Plan – a framework which more than 1100 organisations have now committed to – earlier this year, led by WA GM for Corporate Risk & Broking Adam Rhodes.

“A Voice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People, guaranteed by the Australian Constitution, is our chance to create a unifying moment for all Australians and gives a fair go,” Mr Rhodes said. “We urge everyone, and the Federal Parliament, to accept the invitation contained within the Uluru Statement from the Heart”.

Constitutional changes must be agreed by Parliament before being presented to the Australian people for a vote. There have been 44 referendums since 1901, of which only eight have enacted change. In a 1967 referendum more than 90% voted to allow the counting of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the census.

Mr Parkin says action from Australian companies raised awareness which is invaluable in helping to gain support.

“We thank WTW for getting behind our campaign to achieve a Voice, and I hope to see many more such announcements from corporate Australia,” he said.