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Vero splits its broker focus in two

Vero has refined its distribution model and made two key senior appointments as it seeks to sharpen its focus on broker relationships.

Suncorp Commercial Insurance EGM Distribution Andrew Mulvogue says the business model is being refined to focus on international intermediaries and commercial intermediaries as two distinct broker groups.

“While Vero’s existing teams in our intermediated business are very strong, Vero believes it can align its resources and capabilities better to how the broker market operates,” Mr Mulvogue said today.

Under the new strategy Vero National Manager Broker Distribution Sam Sanfilippo has been made International Intermediaries National Manager, and NSW/ACT State Sales Manager Anthony Pagano has become Commercial Intermediaries National Manager.

The new arrangements were announced to Vero staff this morning.

Mr Mulvogue says he wants to ensure “clearer accountability and focus on how we develop our broker relationships and manage a commercial insurance-wide business around these two important and distinctly different groups”.

“A dedicated team for international intermediaries, under one leader, ensures greater oversight of our interactions with the international brokers.

“Likewise, a dedicated team under the one leader for the commercial intermediaries enables this team to focus on growth in the broker and cluster groups across metro and regional areas.

Mr Sanfilippo joined Vero in 2011 after nearly 20 years with Zurich Australia in market-facing and national distribution roles.

Mr Pagano, who was head of commercial distribution at Zurich Australia, left the company last October after 19 years’ service and moved to the state sales role at Vero a few months later.

Mr Mulvogue says he aims “to have the best possible business model in place – along with the right people – to deliver a great experience for all our broker groups and our end customers”.

“The changes in distribution align to our existing models of underwriting and claims to deliver a streamlined outcome for our customers and brokers.”