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Vero adds drone cover to liability policy

With more Australian companies using unmanned aircraft in their business activities, Vero has included drone coverage in its public liability policy – an industry first.

Suncorp National Manager Liability Underwriting David Leighton says the policy protects clients if their drones cause injury or property damage to third parties. 

Last year triathlete Raija Ogden suffered minor injures when a drone fell on her during a race in Geraldton, and in March a drone crashed near the MCG during the Cricket World Cup final.

While it is lucky there hasn’t been a major incident in Australia yet, the growth of the commercial drone market means the risk of a serious injury or property damage is increasing,” Mr Leighton said. 

The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has granted 200 drone licences, with more awaiting approval.

“The risks are only going to increase as this market continues to grow,” Mr Leighton said.

“These businesses must consider their risk exposures and ensure they have appropriate cover.”

Vero’s updated policy stipulates businesses using drones must have valid CASA operators and controllers certificates if required, while the aircraft must meet regulations and not breach privacy laws.

The cover does not apply to specialist drone operators.