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Telstra retires InsNet domain name is on the way out – at least in cyberspace. The domain name for the Telstra subsidiary is now, reflecting changes taking place within the group. InsNet is now a part of a larger operating group called Telstra eBusiness Services, with CEO David Brawn noting the “Sunrise Exchange” name is “a strong identity statement and is the most appropriate name to use”.

Mr Brawn is also at pains to make clear that the change of domain name, as well as changes taking place in the management structure, will not impact on the level of service received by customers. “Sunrise Exchange is still the big part of Telstra eBusiness Services, and we won’t be losing focus.”

The gradual phasing-out of the old name will sever a final link with the industry’s pre-Telstra past. “INS” was Insurance Network Services, the insurer-owned electronic system that was regarded by brokers in its latter years as user-unfriendly, outmoded and inefficient.

Telstra bought INS in 2000, with Mr Brawn promising to turn it into a cutting-edge operation.

The InsNet name will remain in use until the end of March, after which people using the old InsNet address will receive a “bounce-back” alert making them aware of the new name.

But Mr Brawn says Sunrise Exchange will still monitor the emails received by the old domain name. “We will not turn the domain name off until we are confident we can do so.”