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Suncorp unveils reconciliation plan

Suncorp has produced its first Reconciliation Action Plan, as part of its diversity and inclusion strategy.

CEO Michael Cameron says the plan marks a long-term commitment to supporting “social and economic prosperity” for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

“Action points” include building internal and external relationships, developing cultural awareness and capability, and exploring opportunities to improve access to suitable, affordable products and services.

“Improving the financial and social resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians through initiatives that focus on… positive outcomes in education, employment and enterprise underpins Suncorp’s vision for reconciliation,” Mr Cameron said.

“[The plan] provides a foundation for Suncorp to build trust and strengthen our relationships, both internally and externally, deepen our understanding and respect for our First Peoples’ rich history, cultures and achievements, and promote sustainable opportunities within our sphere of influence.

“It also underpins Suncorp’s aspiration to improve the cultural diversity of our organisation, to be reflective of the communities in which we operate and live. At Suncorp, we know a diverse and inclusive workplace means we can truly be our best.”

To view the plan, click here.