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Suncorp behind the wheel with driverless car insights

Suncorp says it will gain automated vehicle insurance insights from participating in a Queensland research project that is testing cars on public roads.

The company, which has signed a partnership with Queensland University of Technology (QUT), will insure a purpose-built $1.5 million Renault ZOE2 that is classified as a level four automated vehicle.

The car is capable of self-driving in certain areas, with a person able to take back manual control, and has a permit to operate on pre-defined roads under the supervision of qualified engineers.

Suncorp says the rollout of driverless technology is advancing and there will likely be long periods where there will be a mix of traditional and more autonomous vehicles on the roads.

“The data-driven insights from this trial will form the base for an ongoing partnership and further learning opportunities,” EM Consumer Products Joshua Kelland said.

“It will allow us to adapt and evolve our digital insurance solutions to meet the emerging needs of our customers.”

The research project, launched by the Queensland Government, involves the Motor Accident Insurance Commission, iMove Co-operative Research Centre and the QUT Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety – Queensland (CARRS-Q).

Issues that governments and the insurance industry are grappling with include ensuring that road infrastructure, legislation, regulation and licensing arrangements are ready for the vehicles and how insurance arrangements will be affected.

The specially built car will travel around Queensland over the coming years testing the state’s automated vehicle readiness.