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Suncorp appoints CFO and risk chief

Suncorp has finalised the restructure of its senior executive team by appointing John Nesbitt as CFO and Robert Stribling as Chief Risk Officer (CRO).

Mr Nesbitt is currently Group Executive for Private Wealth at funds manager Perpetual and has previously worked as Perpetual’s CFO. Prior to that he was CFO at property group Lend Lease.

Suncorp CEO Patrick Snowball says Mr Nesbitt’s ability to drive financial strategy will be crucial for the group. Clayton Herbert will continue as Acting CFO until Mr Nesbitt starts at Suncorp in the first half of next year.

Mr Stribling, who is currently MD at risk management firm Beyond Sigma, has held senior executive roles in the US, Europe and Asia, and with National Australia Bank, Commonwealth Bank and ANZ in Australia.

He will begin work at Suncorp early next month, taking over from Andrew Harmer who has been acting in the role on secondment from Ernst & Young Australia since April.

Spokesman Jamin Smith has meanwhile dismissed a report in the Australian Financial Review which suggested the company plans to send 250 to 350 general insurance division jobs offshore over the next few years as part of its restructuring program.

“Our clear response is that the claim is incorrect,” he told “The general insurance business is focused on moving to single claims, pricing and policy systems over the next six to 12 months.”

He says it’s too early to determine the impact on jobs from restructuring.