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Stream names new CEO

Paul Lynch has been named CEO of Stream Claims Services following approval of the merger with loss adjuster Cerno.

Stream shareholders gave formal backing for the transaction at the company’s AGM this morning.

Chairman Christian Bernecker says the way is now clear for the offer process to be completed with Cerno shareholders.

“We have been working towards this for some time, and it is great to see the resounding support for the transaction from the Stream shareholders,” he told

“Stream’s recent listing provides a strong vehicle for the two entities to come together and support its clients in Australia, New Zealand and the UK.”

Mr Bernecker says Mr Lynch, the former group GM, was the clear choice for CEO, having successfully steered the merger.

“We’re very pleased with how the integration of Stream and Cerno has been undertaken and our primary focus now is to ensure the company has a strong start to 2015,” he said.

Stream owns 39% of Cerno and the companies share IT and support systems.