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Steadfast moves on ASX options

Major broker cluster Steadfast has committed to move forward with plans to list on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).

93% of shareholders on Saturday to “take Steadfast to the market” to explore options for a listing.

Steadfast has a wide range of possible opportunities to explore and the vote gives the 276-broker group permission to advertise its intentions and attract expertise to assist and advise.

Executive Chairman Robert Kelly told the shareholders “there may well be some [possible arrangements] we haven’t thought of yet”.

The opportunities in listing the company on the ASX include greater value for the shareholders and an enhanced position in the Australian insurance market, but wider questions, including how to accumulate brokers and combine similar businesses has not yet been thoroughly explored.

Steadfast has been examining such options as mergers, private equity-funded takeovers and corporatisations for at least seven years, each year refining its options and consulting shareholders.